Monday, November 21, 2011

MLG Providence

Ugh, I haven't had time to watch any games lately, but I found some time and here's what there is.

So looking at the comment last week, I thought I had to do a post about the Idra vs. Nestea matchup.  As a little background, Nestea is pretty much considered to be one of the best, if not the best Zerg players in the world.  Idra is another really great Zerg player.  So when these two played eachother in the semifinals of MLG, it promised to be awesome.  

The first game was very suprising.  The first thing that made the crowd and I get all riled up was when Idra got his lings into Nestea's base. It's always feels great when banelings run straight into a group of workers/marines and just blows all of them up.  Then right at the end, both armies at full supply, they just smack straight into eachother.  At first it looked like Nestea was going to take it but then Idra got upgrades and reinforcements, clenching the first game.  The macro in this game was great, which is why it had such a huge finish.  

The huge armies really made this a great series to watch, seeing giant armies just destroy eachother is wonderful.  There was also many, many baneling strikes from Idra that were just so... there really isn't a good word to explain baneling busts in supply lines, there is only that sound the crowd makes that's kind of like "oooooOOOOOHHHHH! , aaaaaaah....".  

Honestly, I don't know that much about Zerg play.  I'm more of a Protoss fan, so it's a little harder for me to really look into these games, and I spent more time just enjoying them.  Thanks for the recommendation!  Hopefully I'll get to watch some of the Dreamhack games live.  

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